Celilo First Salmon Feast

Yakima and Warm Springs Indians have an Easter festival to honor the beginning of Salmon fishing season in Celilo, Oregon.

As they have for centuries, tribes from the Columbia Basin gather in Celilo, a tiny town on the banks of the Columbia River where they prepare one hundred salmon on cedar spikes. This annual ceremony in April marks the return of the salmon and is a celebration of the providence of the Creator.

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  1. says: Cal Halladay

    I remember driving by, Celilo falls with my family on the way to grandmas house for the holidays up in, Walla Walla, Washington. it was always a treat when dad would pull the car over to the side of the road and let his children watch as the fisherman were pulling up the salmon just handover fist off of the falls on those scary looking platforms before the days and the dams. it is sad to think of this Celilol Falls, just submerged there waiting to be exposed again what a beautiful picture that will be and it will happen one day.