Oregon takes geography, climate and landscapes in many different directions. There’s a temperate rainforest on the heavily timbered Coast Range, rolling green through the Willamette Valley’s mild-weathered bread and wine basket, colder high alpine temperatures along the spine of the snowcapped Cascade Range, a high desert oasis in Central Oregon and a true desert climate of southeastern Oregon. We’ve culled photos from readers’ amazing submissions over the course of 2014 to bring you this photographic tour. A special thanks to all of you who have sent us photos. Keep ‘em coming!
Kate Kranzush
Late summer at No Name Lake near Broken Top in the Central Oregon Cascades.
Max Monty
Abiqua Falls in the Willamette Valley near Silverton.
Corey Bruce
Scoping waves at Oswald West State Park on the Oregon Coast.
Dean Artis
Wahclella Falls near the Bonneville Dam.
Douglas Keder
The Vista House at Crown Point on the Columbia River Gorge.
Gregg Kerber
Fort Rock at sunrise in Central Oregon.
Gregg Kerber
Thomas Creek (Gilkey) Covered Bridge in Scio, the “Covered Bridge Capital of the West.”
Jim Scott
Waves crashing into Tillamook Rock Lighthouse on the Oregon Coast, between Seaside and Cannon Beach.
Ken Smith
Daffodils and Oregon State Capitol from the Capitol Mall.
Manuel Entrambasaguas
Aerial view of Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson on a flight from Portland.
Paul Didsayabutra
Thor’s Well at Cape Perpetua on the central Oregon Coast, south of Yachats.
Paul Miller
Rusty car and homestead in a field near Harmony in Eastern Oregon.
Sandra Hull
An abandoned church outside of Moro, Eastern Oregon.
Steve McKinzie
A herd of big horn sheep near the John Day River.
Tyrone Marshall
The Native Son beaches at Cape Kiwanda after a day of dory fishing.