Think Oregon


Wolves of the Wallowas

More than sixty years after humans annihilated Oregon’s gray wolves, and fifteen years after the federal government reintroduced them in Idaho, wolves have crossed the border and settled in northeast Oregon’s Wallowa Mountains. Now about twenty wolves live in the high country around Enterprise and Joseph and they’ve been eating local livestock, calling federal and state management practices into question and fueling controversy in the otherwise quiet towns of northeast Oregon.


Hood River

Known for its ripping winds that have made it a mecca for windsurfing, kiteboarding and paddling, Hood River is now becoming synonymous for craft beer, mountain biking, fruit and wine. Within the past five years, Hood River’s nascent wine industry has grown from seven to nearly forty vineyards. The small gorge community still lives well.

chris johns, national geographic, albany oregon, medford oregon

Top 5 with Nat. Geo’s Chris Johns

Since 1888, there have been twenty-two U.S. presidents, ten Supreme Court chief justices, but just nine editors in chief of the venerable National Geographic. In 2005, Chris Johns, a small-town boy who grew up in Central Point, Oregon, became the ninth editor of the magazine and the first to rise to that title fromits photography ranks.


The Governor’s Race

The gubernatorial candidates for Oregon face a state with an uncertain economy, a wall of debt, declining revenues and an unemployment rate of 10.6 percent, a full percentage point more than the national average. 1859 Oregon’s Magazine caught up with John Kitzhaber, the Democratic candidate and Chris Dudley, the Republican hopeful, to ask them, what they see as the greatest challenge facing Oregon.


The New Wave in Energy

Columbia Power Technologies launches a commercial-scale wave energy production in the reliable surf of the Oregon Coast. The environmental impact remains uncertain. 


The Toughest Job on Water

Columbia River Bar Pilots put their lives—and millions of dollars of commerce—into play each day as they jump aboard commercial vessels trying to navigate the turbulent mouth of the Columbia River and a narrow channel where inches are the difference between success and failure. 


The Oregon Drift Boat

Along the Rogue and McKenzie rivers across the past hundred years, the famed Oregon drift boat was born and refined. From yesterday’s bathtubs with oars to today’s sleek custom models, this vessel has become synonymous with Oregon rivers. 


Guile before Guns

Nearly a century ago, a deft-minded Governor Oswald West put his hand to his holster and drew out political genius rather than his pistol.

silverton oregon, silver falls, willamette valley

Silverton: Oregon’s Garden City

Silverton rolls out of the Cascades to the west and over valley soils that support sheep farms, tree nurseries, a handful of vineyards and other agriculture. Fifteen miles west lies the state capitol, Salem, and forty-five miles north is Portland. Silverton takes after neither. Depending on where you look, Silverton is a sliver of artistic Ashland, a dash of Dundee wine country and dose of Eugene oddity.