We’re proud to present a reader’s gallery featuring Jesse Roos of Portland. You’ll find him on Instagram as @jesseroos. If you’d like to be featured as the photographer in our monthly reader’s gallery, share your photos with us on Instagram at @1859Oregon.
About Jesse
[su_panel border=”2px double #cccccc”]“I started my love affair with photography just over a year ago. Unlike many, I can’t say that it’s something that’s always interested me, as I’ve been much more inclined toward the outdoors, science, music, and writing throughout my life. However, sometimes there lies within us entirely new worlds waiting to be discovered.
To be engulfed in nature’s embrace is to be viscerally intertwined with the greatest source of happiness, mystery, and wonder in my life.
Initially, shooting photos was a way for me to share the invigorating adventures in the wild that I frequently embark upon. It allowed me to extend those joyous experiences to family and friends that I love. As I’ve driven deeper into the art, my passion for capturing images has simultaneously evolved with my understanding of how those images can have a positive impact on a community bigger than my own.
Photography is a tool that can invoke a sense of awe, amazement, exhilaration, curiosity, outrage, indignation, and a whole gamut of other human emotions. Like a dam that’s been ruptured, my life’s vision has been flooded with clarity since embracing the possibility of using those capabilities to impact society in a meaningful way. Standing on the shoulders of giants and in proud tradition, it’s become my sole intent to enlighten the lives of others, bring awareness to the importance of earthly stewardship, and to increase the sum amount of good in the world through this most cherished craft.
I encourage all with a similar inspiration to get in touch with me. I’d love to work with you! Thank you for the support and I’ll see you on the trail!”
-Jesse Roos