Good Bike Company in Prineville

James Good of Good Bike Company is Balancing Business, Baby and Fitness Bike shop owner learns to schedule for success written by Mackenzie Wilson  | photography by Bradley Lanphear When James Good opened a bike shop, it never crossed his mind that he’d suddenly be strapped for time to work out. Good and his wife, Natalie, relocated from Ogden, Utah, to Prineville in 2014. They were looking for somewhere rural she could continue her work as a family doctor and they could put down roots. Good wanted to live out a childhood dream. Everything fell into place—Natalie got a job at the hospital in Prineville, and an old gas station downtown was just begging to be renovated into Good Bike Co. That’s when things got hectic. When I was 10 or 11 years old, I said, ‘Someday I’m going to live in the mountains and start my own bike shop. … Continue reading Good Bike Company in Prineville