Brussels Sprout Gratin: A Simple & Versatile Recipe

Brussels Sprout Gratin is elevated with the addition of bacon and lemon juice.
Brussels Sprout Gratin is elevated with the addition of bacon and lemon juice.
written by Thor Erickson | photography by Tambi Lane

“Don’t get lost this time!” my dad shouted to my sister Heidi and me as he backed our van into the loading dock at the bustling wholesale produce market. The towering stacks of fragrant fruits and vegetables were perfect for hide and seek.

“Bonjour!” bellowed a deep voice as we opened the door of the van.

“What is you are looking for today?” said Louis with a thick French accent.

“Whatever is on special,” Dad said.

Louis was one of the many vegetable vendors that dad bought from at the market and had relocated from Paris twenty years earlier.

“Your lucky day!” Louis said joyfully. “Brussels sprouts are very special, and I will give a better deal if you buy six cases.”

Dad was not one to pass up a good deal. “I’ll take six then,” Dad said, smiling.

Heidi and I played a quick game of hide and seek among the stacks in the warehouse.

Suddenly we heard Louis’ loud voice singing, “Ooh, ooh, it’s time to goo ooh.”

Having not gotten lost, Louis presented us each with a ripe mango. Upon our return to the van, we found we had to sit on cases of Brussels sprouts on our ride back to the restaurant.

“Dad, what are you going to make with all these Brussels sprouts?” Heidi asked.

“Many things. I can make soup, bake them, stuff them, fry them, pickle them—it’s endless,” he said.

We enjoyed our mangoes, while Dad continued to wax on about how he would prepare the daily produce haul.

Later, we helped him unload and clean a couple cases. I noticed Heidi was putting some of the sprouts in her pocket.

“What are you doing with them?” I asked her.

“SHHH,” she whispered loudly.

A few days later I noticed my sister’s Barbies were arranged differently. Barbie was holding a Brussels sprout with both hands, gesturing to Ken. “Barbie and Ken are having salad for dinner,” Heidi exclaimed proudly.

A true testament to the versatility of Brussels sprouts.

This Brussels sprout gratin is a simple and delicious side dish for a holiday gathering, or a weeknight indulgence.

Brussels Sprout Gratin



  • 8 ounces bacon, cut into ½-inch lardons
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2½ pounds Brussels sprouts, cleaned and split in half
  • 1 large shallot, thinly sliced
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 6 ounces Rogue blue cheese


  1. Heat bacon and butter over medium-high heat in a large, straight-sided sauté pan. Sauté until deep golden-brown and starting to crisp. Add Brussels sprouts and cook, stirring, until lightly browned. Add sliced shallots and cook, stirring, until softened. Add heavy cream, and scrape up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan.
  2. Adjust heat to a low simmer. Cook, stirring frequently, until cream has reduced by about half and has a consistency that coats each sprout. Add fresh lemon juice, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer mixture to a casserole pan and cover with the blue cheese.
  3. Adjust oven rack to center position, and preheat oven to 425 degrees. Transfer casserole to oven and bake uncovered until bubbly around the edges and cheese is melted and spotted brown, about 20 minutes. Serve immediately.

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