Hiking in Portland

An often-cited perk of living in Portland is its proximity to Oregon’s natural wonders. The city is almost an equal distance from the mountains as it is from the coast. But if you’re looking for an easy escape within city limits, here are three places to explore.

Mt. Hood’s Elk Cove

Hiker: Wesley Chancellor Favorite Oregon Hike: Mt. Hood’s Elk Cove Hiking Tips: Mt. Hood’s Elk Cove is a wildflower wonderland if visited at the right time — usually late July, early August. Barret spur is a short 2.5 mile hike from elk cove. It is however a serious butt burner. At just about 1100 feet elevation gain per mile. Trekking poles are a big help on the way down. Or make a quick decent jump on one of the glaciers and glissade down! Social: @wesleycphoto