Explore Oregon


Rodeo Life: Buffoonery, Bulls and Bravery

Rodeo clowns are actors performing dangerous improvisational theater before live audiences. Wearing multicolored masks layered in gaudy grease paint, they symbolize ancient Greek muses. Protecting and liberating the rider from calamity is the job of Melpomene, the scowling face of Tragedy. Meanwhile Thalia, the smiley face of Comedy, is busy court-jesting and regaling children with tomfoolery. How well the theatrical performance is received depends, in large part, on the chemistry between these two opposing forces—Tragedy and Comedy.


Canby, Oregon

Every road to Canby is a pleasant one, especially for connoisseurs of fresh, locally grown produce.


Highway 197 from The Dalles to Maupin

Southbound out of The Dalles, Highway 197 turns up from the Columbia River, curving through the gently rolling terrain of the upper Columbia Gorge. Leaving the National Scenic Area at about milepost 3, you’ll see the landscape evolve from manicured fruit orchards to hardscrabble wheat farms. Mt. Hood rises to the west.


Olympic Schedule

Looking to follow your favorite Oregonian’s quest for gold? 1859’s Olympic schedule has everything you need to track your favorite Oregon Olympians. Inside you’ll find each athlete’s schedule, including TV times when available.


Behind the Scenes at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival

I jumped at the offer when 1859 asked me if I was interested in shooting behind the scenes at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Few photographers get the opportunity to go behind the scenes at OSF. I was elated, yet felt the weight of responsibility from such a rare invitation. I also recognized that I was walking into an intimate lair, with dimensions I could hardly guess. The experience far exceeded my expectations as a photographer. There were large contraptions, small sewing machines, a woman creating a miniature head, welders and people covered in paint. This is a world where the future and the past come together in a visceral present. And I was fortunate enough to capture it all. Enjoy.


Behind the Scenes of the July/August Cover Shoot

Contributing photographer Amanda Conde and 1859’s design team, Aimee Jameson and Guy Olson, took to the backroads of Central Oregon to photograph Homegrown Chef Carrie Cook Minns for the July/August cover. Hilarity ensued.


Disc Golf World Champion Avery Jenkins

Avery Jenkins, a University of Oregon graduate, made Eugene his home for the past seven years. He took a slice out of his busy worldwide touring schedule to chat with 1859.


Russell Brown

Oregon Track Club Elite’s Russell Brown looks to build off his season-best runs earlier in 2012 with a berth on the Olympic team.